Friday, November 25, 2011

What, Lassie we have a well in the backyard?

After making a joke about a well in an earlier post (Now you see it, now you don't) we do indeed have a well. It is pretty exciting(not in the sense I just found a million dollars exciting) but exciting in we have an alternative way to water our lawn.

This is looking right into the well. Please admire the grass around it, my handsome hubby and good looking son have laid at least two pallets. After determining we had a well, my smart hubby tied a lug nut to a piece of string and dropped into the well. (you know super technical stuff) After what seemed like a long time it finally hit bottom, at thirty seven feet. It was also wet which meant we have a well and it has water in it, SCORE!

Now that may not seem like a big deal but here in Dallas, we have been under watering restrictions and the whole state is in a drought. It makes exciting to discover we have something useful for the future. Because we have discovered many things that are or will not be helpful in the future. The list of those things is far too long to recite. (trust me)
So armed with the knowledge that we do have well, I am thrilled with the possibility of watering our lawn and making sure our children do not fall into it. Because truth be told we do not have Lassie to alert us or help us find them if they do fall in the well.

These are our two furry children ( I mean dogs) :) As you can see they would be no help in either action finding the kids or alerting us, but they are certainly cute!

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